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Introduction: 100 Bucket List Films

Writer: ScarlettScarlett

Updated: Jun 25, 2023

For Father’s Day 2018 my sister and I bought our father a poster that includes a bucket list of 100 films to watch. This was due to the fact that as a family we could never decide what film to watch, so now we just take it in turns to pick from this list. There is actually more than one-hundred films on this list as two of the bucket list films are trilogies, making this list to actually include one-hundred-and-four films! Some of these films I have already seen. However, the films could not be ticked off the bucket list unless they had been watched after Father’s Day 2018 – a rule established by my family. I would like to say that in my opinion there are quite a few good films missing from the list, as many other people would say as well. If you would like to check out the poster for yourself, I bought it from:

I have decided that after watching each film, I’m going to add a review of it to this blog so you guys can see whether you would like to watch these films as well and if you agree with my opinions. Please note that my family may never go through all of these films, and that there may be long gaps between when we watch the films. I do have a feeling that all the good films my family know already will come first, and ones that we haven’t watched and are unsure of will come later. I have decided to post the film reviews in instalments of five films at a time. This means that there will be roughly twenty instalments! I may do the trilogies as their own instalments, I’ll decide when I come to it.

I wanted to write this to let you guys know what I’ve got planned. I hope you are as excited for it as I am! Comment below what films would be on your bucket list, and see if the list I am using agrees! Make sure to become a member of the blog to receive updates on when the instalments are posted.

Scribble to you soon, Scarlett

(P.S. I think that will be my new sign-off line).


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