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The Epic Disney Tag

Writer: ScarlettScarlett

Updated: Jun 25, 2023

Everyone who knows me knows I'm a Disney fan, so what would make more sense for me than to do the epic Disney tag? I came across this on Kay At Home's post and thought it would be fun to try out as well.

Q1. What scene in any Disney movie do you wish you could experience?

Without sounding too cheesy, any romantic scene. I love romance (probably due to my love for Disney) and so all the romance scenes in the Disney films just make my heart melt. The scene I really wish I could experience is when the Beast gives Belle a library! Having my own library would be so amazing!

More realistic and achieveable though (I don't think having my own library is going to happen anytime soon) is the scene in Brave where Merida is riding through the forest doing archery. I already have 3 years experience in archery (the horsebow is definitley the most fun to shoot with) and I have ridden horses before. I would love to be able to experience horseback archery and maybe even become good at it!

The best princess!

Q2. What is an unforgettable experience you've had at the parks?

I have cried at the Illuminations fireworks show at Disneyland Paris and I'm absolutely amazed every time I see it, but more specifically I will never forget when I met my favourite Disney princess, Tiana, in Disneyland (California). My sister and I boarded the Mark Twain Riverboat knowing that we would find Tiana there. I started to worry as after about 5 minutes of being on the boat, we hadn't seen her. Then, we walked down the steps to the middle level and there she was! My inner child just took over as I waited to meet her and I could not stop smiling. I let her know she was my favourite princess and she called me 'as sweet as apple pie'. That was the most unforgettable moment I've had at the Disney parks, even if I was 21 at the time.

Q3. What non-Disney song reminds you of Disney or brings back memories of the parks?

This may sound a bit crazy, but the Friends theme song 'I'll be there for you' by The Remembrants reminds me of when I went on a school trip to Disneyland Paris. We travelled by coach, and so to keep a coach-full of children (16+) entertained on the long journey, one of the teachers wisely brought the box-set of Friends for us to watch. So now I associate the Freinds theme-tune to travelling to Disneyland!

Q4. When was the first time you went to a Disney park?

My first time going to a Disney park was when my parents took me and my sister to Disneyland Paris when I was only 6! Since then, I've been to Disneyland Paris again another 4 times (when I was 11, 16, 17, and 22) and once to the Disneyland in California when I was 21. As you can tell, I absolutely love going to Disneyland!

Q5. If you could choose any of the characters to be your best friend, who would you choose?

This is a tricky one, but the character who stands out to me is Rapunzel. We are both creative and adventurous. I don't think I would ever get tired of spending time with her as she seems fun to be around. I also think she would be a good listener and allow me to vent to her and be a shoulder to cry on. I'm going to stop here as I may have thought about this a bit too much... (Funnily, after writing this I realised Kay also chose Rapunzel in her post!)

Q6. Who is your favourite Disney princess?

As I mentioned earlier, my favourite princess is Tiana. I love her determination to achieve her dreams and belief in hard-work. I aspire to be as hardworking and determined as her in order to achieve my dreams (the main one being to get a book published).

Q7. Name a scene/moment in any Disney movie that never fails to make you cry?

*Spoiler* Sticking with The Princess and the Frog, the scene where Ray dies and his funeral always makes me teary and the first time I watched it I was really upset.

I have a love/hate relationship with Gaston, despite what my smile says here.

Q8. What is your favourite Disney movie?

Despite me going on about The Princess and the Frog and it's characters, my favourite Disney Animated Classic is The Beauty and the Beast. I relate so much to Belle (love of books, living in a small rural town) and I just love all the characters, storyline, and music in the film. However, my favourite Disney-Pixar film, and also my favourite film of all time, is Toy Story. I can quote the whole film line-by-line and if I watch it with my family they are always asking me to be quiet as I recite it along with the characters!

Q9. Which Disney film is overrated?

Now the defalt here is to jump to Frozen, because it was ridiculously popular but, in my opinion, isn't the best Disney film. Another film, or moment, that I think is overrated is the beginning of UP. Whilst it is an awesome film, everyone goes on about how the first ten minutes makes them cry, but it has never brought a tear to my eye or made me that emotional (which is weird for me). It achieves a lot of storytelling within ten minutes which I think is phenominal, its just the story that happens within those ten minutes has never tugged on my heartstrings like it has everyone else's.

Q10. Which Disney film is underrated?

I'll give you one guess as to which film I'm going to say, obviously its The Princess and the Frog. Not a lot of people have seen The Princess and the Frog which is a shame because the film has such great music and the moral of the story is brilliant. I also love the use of colour in the film which creates the most beautiful scenes. I could go on and on about why I love The Princess and the Frog, but I will stop myself here.

Q11. What is your favourite Disney song?

This may be an unusual choice, but I love 'Try Everything' from Zootopia/Zootropolis, sung by Shakira. This song never fails to cheer me up and motivate me, it definitely inspires me and makes me believe I can achieve whatever I want if I put my mind to it!

Meeting Mickey was pretty magical!

Q12. What is your least favourite Disney movie?

I'm going to have to say either Dumbo or Pinnochio. If someone asked me if I wanted to watch either of these, I'd be more inclined to say 'no thanks' (whereas I'd usually say yes to watching any Disney film!). As they are early Disney films, I think they were probably amazing for the time, but I don't find them anywhere near as enjoyable as the other Disney films.

Q13. Who is the most memorable Disney villain?

I'd say both Scar (The Lion King) and Ursula (The Little Mermaid) are contenders for this one, with Scar just about coming #1. They both have memorable personalities and amazing musical numbers (their songs possibly being the best of their films). I think Scar comes out above Ursula on this one as his personality is almost-likeable with his sarcasm. An honorable mention is Hades from Hercules, although is often forgotten as Hercules is also a massively-underrated film.

Q14. What is your favourite classic and favourite modern Disney film?

I'm going to draw the line between classic and modern here in terms of animation style, with classic being hand-drawn 2D and modern being CGI. I'm also not including Beauty and the Beast, The Princess and the Frog, or Toy Story in the decision because I've already talked about my love for these films.

I'd say my favourite classic film is either Mulan or Hercules. I do adore the princess films, but these films are action-packed and full of amazing songs as well! My favourite modern Disney film is either Tangled or Zootropolis/Zootopia. Tangled is so visually beautiful and has awesome characters. Zootropolis/Zootopia has a brilliant storyline and is very comical - it's hard not to enjoy it!

Q15. What is your favourite Disney score?

I love a lot of the Disney scores, but if I had to pick one, I think it would have to be Brave's. It's one of the only Disney scores I listen to casually and it features on my 'film soundtracks' playlist. A very close second is the score from Cars though. I think Pixar is outstanding at creating music for films as I think I could happily listen to every Pixar film's soundtrack casually.

The end! I absolutely loved being able to write about my passion for Disney - I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! What do you think about my opinions on Disney? Do you agree/disagree with me? What are your favourite Disney films/memories? Let me know in the comments below!

Scribble to you soon,

Scarlett x


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