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The Sunshine Blogger Award

Writer: ScarlettScarlett

Updated: Jun 25, 2023

Back last August (bit of a delayed response, I know) I was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Malou of Malou's Figments! Thank you so much for my nomination, Malou. For those of you who are unaware (as I was before I was nominated), the Sunshine Blogger Award is given by bloggers to fellow bloggers who inspire positivity and creativity in the blogging community. Here are the rules of the award, so you know how this post will go:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog to this post (already done!)

  2. Answer the eleven questions asked by your nominator.

  3. Nominate eleven bloggers.

  4. Ask them eleven questions, different to the ones you’ve answered.

  5. List the rules (doing that now!)

  6. Display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post and blog site (already done!)

I know I've done the steps in a bit of the wrong order, but as long as I do them I think it's okay. Now it's time for the main part of the post, step two! Here are the questions that Malou asked me and my answers to them:

1.) If one song could describe you, which one would it be?

This is a really difficult question; I love loads of different kinds of music and I'm a rather indecisive person. I'd say the song I connect to the most and I really feel in my heart is 'The Rainbow Connection' from The Muppet Movie, sung by Kermit The Frog. However, that is not the question, I'd say the song that describes me is 'Almost There' from The Princess and the Frog, sung by Anika Noni Rose. It reflects my positive attitude to life's challenges and my belief that it's okay to have dreams but you have to work hard to achieve them. It also shows my love for Disney!

2.) What is your favourite thing to do in the world? Another difficult question! There's loads of things that I love to do, but I have to say that the thing that makes me the happiest is having a campfire on a beach with my friends. It's the time that I can laugh and have the most fun but also feel the most peaceful. It's an amazing feeling that I absolutely love (and miss).

3.) Do you believe it is possible to have just one best friend? I do not. I believe that you connect to people in so many different ways that it's impossible to only connect to one person in a way to make them your 'best friend'. I also think what defines someone as a 'best friend' varies. I have people who are my best friends for different reasons, there's many people in my life that mean so much to me and make me happy that they all have to be my best friends!

4.) What about people do you enjoy the most? Their ability to make you laugh. I believe the meaning of life is happiness and so people having the ability to make you laugh and smile is my favourite thing about them.

5.) Do you think everyone should go to university? I think this very much depends on the person to whom you are talking. I absolutely loved university and would recommend it to anyone. However, if it is a better for your career choice to not go to university, or you feel it won't bring any advantage to you, then you shouldn't feel pressured to go.

6.) Do you want Brexit to happen?

Personally, I voted to remain in the EU. However, at this late in the process, Brexit has to happen. If we withdraw from Brexit now the country would look so weak. The EU would be able to walk all over us as we beg to remain. I'm not big into politics, but unfortunately Brexit now has to happen.

7.) Why do you think blogging is important? Or do you think it’s not?

I do think blogging is important because it gives people a voice. It allows you to write anything you like and share it with everyone. It's another way to connect to people and share your opinions. It's a way to express emotion as well. So, definitely yes, blogging is important.

8.) If you were to play rock, paper, scissors, would you choose rock, paper or scissors? My default choice is normally rock or paper, because who chooses scissors?

9.) Wizard or Millionaire? Definitely wizard. I am a huge Harry Potter fan and if I could have the ability to control magic I would absolutely love it. I also do not see the value of owning a lot of money. I value happiness and having people around you who you love way more. Happiness through positive experiences is much better than happiness through material objects.

10.) Do you speak any other language than English? Sadly not fluently. I can speak little Welsh, and I hope to be able to learn it to speak fluently. I also did a module of Italian during university but sadly it didn't make much difference - I only know broken sentences and a few words.

11.) What do you expect to get out of blogging? Nothing really. I suppose I hope to make other people happy through reading my writing, but rather selfishly it's more for my own enjoyment. I love writing, and having people being able to read it makes me even happier.

That's the end of my questions/answers! Sadly I don't know as many as eleven bloggers to nominate, but I do have a few (and you should totally check out their blogs)! I nominate:

These are blogs that I really enjoy to read and hope you do to! My eleven questions for them are:

1.) What's your favourite childhood memory? 2.) Fruit or vegetables?

3.) What's your favourite Disney film? 4.) What's your pet peeve? 5.) What's your unpopular opinion? 6.) Which song never fails to cheer you up? 7.) Why did you start blogging? 8.) Which year of your life has been your favourite so far? 9.) What's your favourite animal? 10.) If you could live in any fictional world, which would it be? 11.) As this is the sunshine blogger award, what makes you happy?

That's all my questions, meaning that's the end! I hope you enjoyed reading this post and be sure to check out all the blogs who I have nominated!

What do you think of my answers? What are your answers to these questions? I'm curious! Let me know in the comments below! Scribble to you soon, Scarlett x


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