So, here we are, the start of my blogging journey! I thought I should begin by explaining a bit more about myself and this blog than what's in the 'about me' section of this website. I am currently twenty-one years old, unemployed, and am a proud owner of a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature and Creative Writing. I live in Carmarthenshire, South-West Wales with my parents, my sister, two horses, two ponies, two dogs, one cat, one rabbit, and one gerbil - yes, the excessive list of animals is important, they're part of the family too! I have a huge variety of interests, including: reading and writing (in case that wasn't obvious), films, music, archery, gaming (mostly Nintendo), and the environment. I am planning for this blog to feature posts focusing on my interests. If I feel the need to specialise in the future then that could be a thing but for now it's just about my interests and me.
The main reason I am starting this blog and website is because I want to keep my love of writing alive. It's easy to stop doing something as soon as you are no longer required to do it (i.e. finish a degree). Although this blog won't feature my fictional creative writing (I'm not planning on it, at least), it allows me to express myself and my voice my opinions through writing. It also allows me to engage with others and gain their opinions through their comments on my posts (I hope). Another reason for starting this blog is because I have been told that it counts as writing experience. If publishing or journalism companies know you own a blog and have been posting on it frequently, they (mostly) will consider you a writer with experience. It also gives them the opportunity to take a look at your work, and so your blog forms part of a portfolio. On that note, this blog and website opens my horizons for freelance work. As you can see on the 'freelancing' page of this website, I am available for writing and editorial work. This blog will, as I said before, allow potential clients to view my work and writing style and hire me (hopefully!).
The upcoming blog posts that I have planned include:
'100 bucket-list films' reviews
Living at home after the University experience
My over-reacting brain: how I cope when my thoughts start to 'reel' in a negative cycle
My personal fight with plastic
Why joining a club at University is the best thing you can do
I'm sure I'll come up with better titles for them in the future, but that's my initial plan! I also have other ideas, but these seem to be the ones I'd like to focus on first. If you have any topics you'd really like me to write about, please let me know in the comments below! I'm looking forward to starting this blogging journey, and I hope you're looking forward to reading my writing.