Almost five years since my last blog post and I've decided to come back to blogging.
Why Did I Stop?
Quite simply, as it does with many things, life got in the way; I found a full-time job (which this blog helped to do!) and then moved jobs, bought a house, and got married! Those are the milestone moments, but they have meant my spare time has been dedicated to other things.
Why Come Back Now?
Now that I am settled in my adult life, I decided it was time to get back into persuing my passions. As you will see from the 'about' section on this website, I love writing. Although not creative writing, this blog is great outlet for me to practice my writing skills and I really enjoy it! I have also started getting back into my other passions which I'm sure will feature on this blog in the future.
What's In The Future?
As I mentioned, I have started getting back into my other passions and my blog will mostly focus on those - it's very easy to write about things you enjoy! I run a book club and love reading, so you can expect to see book club and book review posts. I also attend dance fitness classes, go to the gym, and have joined a womens rugby team so I may post about my fitness journey. I enjoy films and gaming and although this blog isn't usually for creative writing, if I do get back into that (I haven't written a fictional story in a long time), I may choose to post some short stories here if I feel confident enough to share them! I have a lot else planned in terms of posts I want to write but writing about my passisons is the best way to ease me back into blogging.
I would love to be able to say I am going to post every week, but I'm going to walk before I can run and commit to one post every two weeks. In the meantime, if you would like to read my blog posts from when I first started blogging, you can find them in the archived posts.
Thank you so much for reading this blog post. If you are particularly interested in anything I have mentioned and would like me to write about in the future, let me know by leaving a comment. Please make sure to like my page or follow me on X (Twitter) so you can get updates on my new blog posts!
Scribble to you soon,
Scarlett x
Happy you’re back 🥰looking forward to seeing more Xx