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Guest Post by Nat: 10 films to add to your Bucket List

Writer: ScarlettScarlett

Updated: Jun 25, 2023

As part of my 100 Bucket List Films series, I've decided to invite other bloggers to share what films they'd recommend for people to put on their film bucket lists. Our first guest post is written by Nat from There Might Be Coffee. I've only seen one of the films on Nat's list so I look forward to watching and experiencing the films she's recommended - and I hope you will too! Without further ado, let's see what's on Nat's list!


Hi there! My names Nat and I’m from the blog There Might Be Coffee. My little blog is about beauty, fashion and lifestyle with a generous helping of geeky themes in there such as gaming, Japanese manga and anime as well as many more!

I’m here today to share with you 10 films I think you need to add to your film bucket lists. With my choices I really tried to add films that I know not a lot of people may not have seen for various reasons. Nonetheless I hope you really enjoy what I chose.

Spirited Away

This is the first Studio Ghibli film I ever watched and it’s from watching this film that really got me into wanting to watch more anime films. The plot is like Alice in Wonderland where a girl enters a different place/world and needs to find a way back out. It’s such an amazing film for all the family and not only is the story amazing, but so is the art style. If you’ve never watched a Studio Ghibli film, then I highly recommend that you check this one out.


This is a film I first watched when I met my boyfriend as he introduced me to it. Oh, my I don’t quite know how I got on without Kevin Smith films in my life! I’ve worked in retail and hospitality on and off since the age of 14 so when I watched this film I couldn’t relate more to the characters in the film and how p*ssed off they were at life, as well as at their jobs. One of my favourite quotes from the film is, “This job would be great if it wasn’t for the f***ing customers.” Honestly this film was like a holy grail to me at one point in my life when I really hated my job. It was just such a great film to watch whenever I felt crap after a day at work and needed something to cheer me up. Clerks II is good too in its own way, but Clerks is the one that started it all.


This film is based off a novel of the same name and it is by far one of my favourite films. I remember it came out in whilst I was studying at university and I wanted to go and watch it in the cinema, but I had no one who wanted to go. So, I was naughty and watched it illegally online instead! Not long after I had to buy it on DVD as I NEEDED to watch this film properly and in decent quality. I remember watching it three times the day it arrived, and I fell in love. It’s such a strong and powerful film that requires tissues. One of the last scenes of this films really sends shivers down my spine due to how powerful it is. It’s also incredibly depressing but it’s got a positive vibe at the end.


I remember watching this film back in 2000 when my dad bought our first DVD player and I fell in love with the film. The style of it, the story, the actors, just everything about it. I know the story is a bit bizarre but that’s what I loved about it the most. I loved the characters especially Mathilda and Norman Stansfield. I feel like this film did well in the cinema but I hardly see it spoken about. I feel it’s more of a cult classic and it’s most definitely one that everyone needs to watch once!

A Silent Voice

If there is one anime film I knew I had to mention in my 10 films, I KNEW this had to be in there somewhere! I remember hearing about this film randomly online after being recommended to buy the manga series A Silent Voice. I looked into it and saw that they stated that it was being made into a film. Not long after I found that out it had one showing for it in town and I decided to go with my boyfriend. It is such a depressing story but a somewhat realistic and hard hitting one. I was actually gutted that Your Name won an award over A Silent Voice at the Crunchyroll Anime Awards, as whilst I LOVED Your Name too, A Silent Voice just had a much stronger message. Either way this film is one you need to watch. It has such an emotional story which ends positively.


This is a film I wasn’t sure whether to mention on this blog or not due to what it’s about, but it’s a film that I watched during my time at college and it really was one I watched time and time again. Thirteen is about a teenage girl who changes to adapt to the new best friend she gains and goes from getting good grades at school to being a rebellious teenager and spiralling out of control. This film does include scenes of self-harm and it’s definitely something to be wary of if you wish to watch the film but get triggered by this sort of thing.

London to Brighton

This is such a small indie film from the UK and is so old now! I’m pretty sure this came out whilst I was still at school, maybe even college. It’s about a prostitute who is asked by her pimp to get one of his customers a young girl and although she’s reluctant, does it anyway. Something happens and we see the two running away from London to Brighton. It sounds horrible but it’s such an amazing film all the same. I’m a huge fan of drama style films, especially if they’re set in the UK and this one had me hooked when I read the back of the DVD in WHSmith all them years ago! I am so glad I bought it.

This Is England

I’m sure a lot of people have watched this film but if you haven’t, do it and do it now because you are missing out on an amazing film from the UK! There are so many things I love about this film, most of all the cast. The film itself is about skinheads in the 80’s and is somewhat based on true events that happened to the writer/director. There are many racist themes throughout this film and whilst that isn’t what makes the film, what makes it is the character progression throughout with all the characters, especially Shaun and Combo who are clearly both searching for something and are alike due to that. The show has gone on to become a series and ended a couple of years ago.

Stuart A Life Backwards

My best friend showed me this film years ago when we were in our Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hardy highs. So when she told me she’d found a film with them both in together, WE HAD TO WATCH IT! I have never felt my heart break so hard over a film and since watching it the first time I’ve watched it a handful of times since and every single time I have cried and felt sad afterwards. It’s based on a true story of when these two men met up, Stuart being a homeless man with a heroin addiction, the other who decides to write about the Stuart’s life, but backwards. You find out about how Stuart came to be where he was when they met and it’s incredibly depressing to find out what happened to Stuart, but the fact it is all true really breaks your heart. Tom Hardy plays the role of Stuart so damn well! He’s such an amazing actor and this film truly does show that.


Finally I’m adding a film that is so bizarre that you have to watch it for that alone! It’s set in the midlands and is about a couple from Birmingham who haven’t long been together and decide to go on a driving trip in his motorhome. Their cute and lovey dovey (yet cringeworthy and awkward) trip soon goes to a dark place and it doesn’t take long for the action of one to rub off onto the other. This film is a comedy thriller and you are constantly unsure of what is going to happen next and that is what I love about it the most. I especially love the thick as sh*t sounding Brummy accents, especially as I’m from Birmingham myself.


Thanks so much for a great guest post, Nat! I really enjoyed collaborating with you and reading your post - I'm sure you (the reader) did too! If you want to check out more of Nat's work, please head over to her blog There Might Be Coffee. To keep up to date with what she's doing, follow her on social media: Facebook theremightbecoffee, Twitter @MayBeeCoffee, and Instagram @theremightbecoffeeblog.

What did you think of this guest post? Have you seen the films on Nat's list? Do you agree with her recommendations? If you haven't seen them, are you keen to watch them now? Let me know in the comments!

Scribble to you soon, Scarlett


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